Thermostat wire is used in fields, such as air conditioning and electrical , and is essential in providing a low voltage signal to control devices for switching purposes. Uses for this wire includes controlling relays , powering transformers as well sending 24 volts from thermostats to turn on/off your air conditioning unit or furnace. It is also used for home automation and home alarm systems. Don't be forced to buy lengths beyond your needs. We sell by the foot!!
18 Gauge , 6 Conductor Thermostat Wire
Features / Specifications
Sold by the Foot
18 AWG
6 Conductor
Solid copper
60°C PVC brown jacket
30V maximum load
Colors: Red , White , Green , Yellow , Blue , Brown
Commonly used on HVAC systems , low voltage electrical wiring , alarm system wiring , door bell / chime systems and many other applications.
Additional types of wire are available ,
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